Termography in architecture

Localisation of insulation problems with thermography, wet-out, flooding, thermal differences, heating and cooling loss. Climate and cold stores monitoring with thermocameras. Buildings thermal insulation thermo-household, get the energy place.

Localization of construction defects  is special role in increasing building efficiency and structural integrity. Based on the proceeding that surface temperature variations of the building envelope indicate problems in structure, thermal bridging, moisture content and air leakage, infrared thermography makes the above mentioned task easy enough by identifying heating and cooling loss due to poor construction, missing or inadequate insulation and moisture intrusion.
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PDM-RCM Termográfia Termokamera - Wuhan Guide Gépvédelem Rezgés Ultrahang szivárgás
Delta-3N Kft. Kastély Mernye Kastély Szentgáloskér
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